Discover all of our ready-to-ship gifts in one place! Our expertly curated gift boxes are…
Discover all of our ready-to-ship gifts in one place! Our expertly curated gift boxes are…
Cheers to a great year! This celebration gift box makes it easy to toast to the success and accomplishments of your colleagues, clients, family, or friends. The Toast includes a bottle of sparkling white tea by TOST, a pair of copper stemless champagne flutes, festive popcorn by Eatable, and SO much more to ensure that you truly dazzle whoever receives it! Looking for luxury corporate gifts? Look no further!
This gift box is the perfect way to say thanks to and show that you value a client, teammate, or friend. And if you're out of ideas, here's your answer! We’ve rounded up some of our favorite, and universally loved, products to create The Thank You, including a miniature air plant, small batch tea, a scented candle, and sweet & salty cookies!
The Spa Day gift is packed full of our favorite self-care products, like luxurious face mask and coconut bath soak. Delight your recipient with all the essentials for a relaxing moment!
Escape to a world of tranquility with The Retreat. A complete self-care package, this gift really has it all: luxurious Palermo Body products, delicious Canyon Coffee along with a delicate gold scoop, a bergamot and black tea scented candle by Sydney Hale Co., plus some of our other all-time favorite products.
Congratulate your team, best friend, or your best client, on a successful year with The Cheers! The Cheers also makes a door prize for fundraisers. This gift box gift will spark celebration with contents like a sparkler by TOPS Malibu and our favorite sparkling white tea by TÖST!
Our most flexible way to gift, powered by tech.